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Laredo Public Library
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Lamar Bruni Vergara Inner City Branch
McKendrick Ochoa Salinas Branch Library
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Barbara Fasken Branch Library
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Joe A. Guerra Library
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Staff Shout-out
Let’s Make Music-Registration Begins
January 27, 2025 – February 1, 2025
Joe. A Guerra Laredo Public Library
Let's Make Music at LPL 2025
Let's Make Music Sessions:
Please select time:
10:00 am
11:00 am
Child's name
Parent's Name
Child's age
Parent/Child Program Guidelines
I Agree.
Parent/Child Program Guidelines
1. Our children’s programs are designed to give you or your caregiver a special time with your child for playing, reading and spending interactive quality time together.
2. Please handle all situations concerning your child in a quiet, gentle manner.
3. Remain with your child at all times. No child will be allowed into the program area without his/her parent or caregiver.
4. Please do not bring snacks, drinks, or toys, with exception of bottles necessary for infants.
5. Sit, sing, & listen together. The more you participate, the more your children will participate, enjoy, and learn from their experience. Parents/Caregivers are strongly encouraged to interact as well!
6. Please be prompt. Story times are short and every minute is full of fun and learning opportunities.
7. Don't be afraid to leave. Some days children aren't in the right mood for story time. If a child is having a bad day or becomes disruptive, please feel free to take a break and try again.
8. Place all cell phones on vibrate mode, and please – if you feel you must answer your cell phone, take it outside.
1. Nuestros programas para niños han sido creados para ofrecerle a usted o a su acompañante un momento muy especial con su niño(a) donde podrá jugar, leer y pasar juntos un rato interactivo.
2. Favor de atender cualquier situación o problema con su niño(a) en una forma amable y en silencio.
3. Permanezca con su niño(a) todo el tiempo. A ningún niño(a) se le permitirá participar en un programa sin sus padres o su acompañante.
4. Con la excepción de biberones, favor de no traer refrigerios, bebidas, o juguetes.
5. Pueden sentarse, cantar y escuchar juntos. Entre más participe usted en el programa, su niño(a) participará, gozará y aprenderá más durante el transcurso de este programa. Se les recomienda ampliamente a ustedes a interactuar con sus niños durante esta actividad.
6. Favor de ser puntual. El programa de cuentos es corto pero cada minuto es importante para la diversión y la oportunidad de que su niño aprenda algo nuevo.
7. No tema si tiene que retirarse. Algunas veces los niños no desean participar en nuestros programas. Si su niño(a) está descontento o cansado e interrumpe el transcurso del programa, favor tomar un receso e intentarlo de nuevo más tarde.
8. Favor de poner su teléfono en silencio o en vibración. Si usted tiene que contestar su teléfono favor de hacerlo afuera.
I consent
For all programs, children under the age of fourteen (14) years must be accompanied by an adult. By enrolling your child, you give the City of Laredo permission to reproduce and publicize pictures or news articles pertaining to the Library as long as it is not a confidential matter.
I hereby give my permission for this child to attend the selected Library program. I understand that all reasonable precautions will be taken to provide a safe program experience for this child, and that in consideration thereof for myself and for this minor child, and for the heirs, executors, and administrators and assigns of myself and this minor child, I hereby release the City of Laredo and the Laredo Public Library and their employees and volunteers from any liability or causes of indemnity and hold harmless the City of Laredo and the Laredo Public Library and their employees and volunteers from any claim arising against them by reason of actions taken by them on behalf of this minor child in this program.
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